Thursday, April 14, 2011

Anna Hibiscus

This series is gaining great attention in the literary world. Join Anna on her adventures in Africa. For ages 5-9. $5.99 each or $19.99 for the set. Click here to order.

A recent review of this wonderful series:

Anna Hibiscus

Seven Impossible Things – Kirkus Reviews (April 8, 2011) impossible-things-anna-hibiscus-back/

“Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa. Amazing Africa.” This is how most chapters begin, the introductory information making it so that you could pick up any story at any point, though they’re all interconnected, and follow. Anna’s life is very different from that of the typical American suburban family: She lives inside a big compound with her Canadian mother and African father; her grandmother and grandfather; her aunties and uncles; lots of cousins; and her twin baby brothers, Double and Trouble. While most Americans merely appreciate on a theoretical level the notion of a village raising a child, Anna’s family lives it: “It is not good to be alone,” she hears her family whispering to her mother on one particularly stressful day in Book 1. “We have to help each other. A husband and three children is too much for one woman alone.”

Though her life in Africa is culturally different (and children will learn about daily, suburban African home life), what makes these books work is the universality of Anna’s inner world, one full of exclamation marks and joy. (“Anna Hibiscus started to sing. First her heart, and then her mouth joined in” are my two favorite lines.) She lives with a loving (sometimes frustrating) family; she longs for adventure (to see snow in Canada, where her maternal grandmother lives); she feels pride when she conquers her fears (Granny Canada’s dog with the pointy teeth in Book 4, not to mention singing in front of her entire school and a visiting president in Book 2); and, by paying attention to the world around her and with a bit of nudging from her family, she learns about social justice (sharing her allotted amount of water with the poor, parched girls on the street during the time of the harmattan winds in Book 3).

3Books 1 and 2, released in 2010, escaped my attention then. With last month’s release of Books 3 and 4, I’ve finally found them. And I highly recommend them. Like Anna, both my heart and my mouth join in. These are funny, delightfully child-centered stories. I hope we are treated to more of Anna’s adventures.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Show Me The Money!!

If you have ever thought about starting your own business, NOW is the time! Usborne Books and More needs new consultants all across the nation to be able to service all of our customers. Join Usborne Books and More for as little as $49 and shipping on your kit is FREE in April! Your kit will include a starter set of books and supplies and you will get your very own website! The best part? There is no risk! There are NO minimum sales requirements to be met! Seriously! No strings attached! We are confidant that you will love your new business! This is the perfect opportunity to make a little extra money, or grow your business to a full-time income. Enjoy working your business around your family while marketing a product that you can be proud of!

If you are interested, I would love for you to join my team! Go to and click on Income Opportunities to learn more!

Friday, April 8, 2011

This Isn't Your Little Sister's Coloring Book...

Drawing, Doodling, and Coloring

This is quickly becoming my personal best seller, possibly because I cannot stop buying them! It is my absolute favorite gift to give kids ages 6 and up. The creative pages throughout this book allows children to finish various pictures and images and decorate elaborate scenes. Pair this with some cool colored pencils, gel pens, or crayons and you have yourself the perfect gift! This book would also go nicely in an Easter Basket! $13.99.

To Order: Click Here

Peek Inside...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter's On Its Way!

As we approach Easter weekend, our family is preparing for the celebration of our faith as we remember the death, burial, resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ! We will be gathering with our church family on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday with thankful hearts!

My girls will also be looking forward to seeing what shows up in their Easter Baskets this year! While accenting with candy is fine, I like to mainly include things that will be fun and junk! We have enough junk! Below are some ideas to consider for your baskets this year! Remember, my online bookstore is open 24/7 and deliveries are available throughout the USA! Find these titles and more at

Easter Things to Make and Do

This Book is full of creative Easter activities. For ages 6+ $9.99

Easter Stencil Cards
16 Sturdy Stencil Cards for ages 6+ $9.99

Book of Bible Stories with CD
This engaging collection of Bible stories has been written, with the help of a language expert, for young children who are just starting to read. Each story is told word for word, with delightful sound effects, on the CD included with this book. By following the words across the page as they hear them, beginner readers will gain confidence and soon be able to achieve the pleasure and satisfaction of reading a whole story by themselves. 200 pages for ages 2+

Animal Doodles
Animal themed wipe-off card set that comes with a dry erase marker. 50 Double-sided cards provide 100 activities that can be wiped off and done again and again!
Ages 6+ $9.99

Sticker Books!!!!
A favorite and best seller series! Your children will enjoy hours of fun as they dress the characters in these sticker books! Stickers are removable, so no worries about them sticking permanently to walls or furniture :)
For ages 4+ $8.99

Touchy-Feely Books!
Choose from That's Not My Bunny and many more! Perfect for 9 months and up. $8.99-$9.99

Very First Reading Set
This phonics-based beginning reading series won the 2010 Teacher's Choice for the Family. For ages 4-7 $69.99

Chapter Books

A variety of chapter books are available for early readers through high school!
$4.99 and up.

Oos-Born? Use-Borne? No! It's Us-Borne!

" do you pronounce that?" This would be the question I am asked the most! A funny name, but a cool company! To launch my blog, I'd like to first share a little about the company and what it is that I do. The primary purpose of future posts will be to highlight titles and promotions that are available through Usborne Books and More.

First, let me take a sec and give you a quick history so you know we are legit: Usborne Books was originally founded in England England by Peter Usborne. The company eventually expanded to the United States under the Educational Development Corporation (EDC) Publishing. EDC also acquired Kane/Miller books, which is why the company is now called Usborne Books and More in the USA. EDC maintains a home-business division and a retail division. I am an Independent rep through the home-business division and am also certified to work in the school and library market.

There...the background is set, so on to the details!

"What in the world do you do?" Ahh! I love to tell about what I do! I place high-quality, educational books into the hands of children of all ages! How do I do this? Let me break it down for you:

1) Through Home Parties I am able to get together with a hostess and her friends to help them shop for the best literature choices for the children in their lives. Our generous hostess programs helps our hostesses build their home libraries with LOTS of free books!

2) Direct Sales through personal shopping appointments.

3) Booth events at various fairs, festivals, and educational conferences.

4) Book Fairs!

I earn schools, preschools, and day cares up to 50% of sales in free books or up to 25% cash! Our book fairs are commercial-free and run by yours truly!

5) Reach for the Stars Fund/Book raisers!

This is one of my favorite things to do because it rewards children for reading! Through this read-a-thon, children are sponsored to read for 300 minutes. The children then get 50% of what they raise in books for themselves and the school or organization gets the other 50% in books or a book/cash split. It is a Win/Win!!

6) Literacy for a Lifetime (LFL) Grant-Matching program.
Through LFL, business and individuals can partner with a school or non-profit through donations and Usborne Books will match that donation by 50% in additional free books!

There! Now you are, for all intents and purposes, informed! If you would like to learn even more about the company, our products, or the business opportunity, please visit my website at

Happy Reading!